- All people are equal.
Agree. I think this statement is extremely important. I believe that everybody is equal and there are no differences between us, people should be treated the same way. I'll justify my answer with two examples:
1. Democracy. While electing a new leader in democracy, each citizen is allowed to vote, no matter what is his level of income, his wealth, social status, religion or race. Each vote equals the same as the others and is as important.
2. The rule of law. All of us are equal when it comes to the rule of law. When you come to court, as a result of something you did, it doesn’t matter if you are rich, poor, skinny, fat, or from any religion or faith, you will be treated the same way as the others.
Unfortunately, in reality this statement is not always implemented, but I think we should try to work by this principal in our life as much as possible.
- Dictator can be easily overthrown.
Disagree. It is very hard to overthrow a dictator. Usually a dictator controls his country with fear, in aggressive ways, in which he uses the army and police to go against the citizens.
However, I believe that it is possible to initiate protests and demonstrations against a dictator. (Recent developments in the Middle East in the recent few months demonstrate that it is possible). It requires courage and willingness sometimes to risk lives, when you challenge a dictatorship. Then, it is needed to build on a bigger support from more people with in the country and obviously from abroad, as well.
There is no program for how to remove a dictator from his office, but history proved that these developments are possible, although as I explained, it's dangerous and might cause lives of many people.